The First Week in Salerno
Ciao from Salerno!
Dude. Man. Man. Dude. It's been 10 days since we've been in Italy, and it has truly been an amazing 10 days. We've seen disaster happen when a baci gets out of control. We've scoured the city looking for the most audacious Italian mullet. We've had Gerry's gelato, truly a dessert inspired by God. But the best part of the trip so far has been the group finally beginning our ministry.
After days of praying and nervous anticipation, our group has finally finished our first week on campus. We've had the opportunity every day this week to walk around campus and just find someone to share the gospel with. The Lord is already moving in a powerful way in our hearts, as well as in the hearts of those we encounter. Here are just a few of the testimonies from some of the project members:
I met a girl who was sitting next to the boys while they were talking to a guy name Niko, so I started a conversation with her and shared the gospel through the bridge model. She agreed with most of it but said she wasn’t sure of her own salvation so that’s how we started talking about how all she had to do was believe. After I presented the gospel to her she said “It’s so simple” and I knew she had understood it. So I asked her if she would like to ask Jesus to be her savior and she said that she wasn’t ready to make the decision so I left her with a 4 Spiritual Laws booklet and told her to read over it and think about her decision. I know she understood it and that she’s close so now it’s all in God’s hands…
Today (Friday) Gabby, Abbey and I talked to these three girls and we could just tell the devil didn’t want us there. There were tons of distractions through our whole conversation. When we first started talking to them a sprinkler went off and made us move. We found out they were atheists and it was a real challenge to talk to them but every time one of us couldn’t think of what to say, someone else would so the three of us working as a team was really awesome.Yesterday (Thursday) we met this girl who, in the beginning of our conversation, believed that it was not possible to offend God. She hoped that God existed but found it hard to believe in an afterlife. But at the end of our hour and a half conversation she decided that there is a God, it is possible to offend him and that she had offended him. And she realized that she needs Jesus to save her from her sin. She accepted that fact and knows that she wants to go to heaven. She pointed out the pictures of a God-centered life in the 4 Laws booklet and said she wanted that. So that’s just really awesome how much God changed her mind changed throughout the conversation. You could just see in her eyes halfway through the conversation that she understood. It was amazing.
Mary Ellis and I got really discouraged and we ended up passing by Kyle and Brady who were talking to a big group of guys. They invited us over so we went to say hi and we saw a girl in the corner so we invited her to the BBQ and on a whim invited her to eat lunch with us and it ended up that her English was very good. We had a great conversation with her and she was really sweet. It was awesome because we didn’t think we would meet anyone else that day but God provided a great conversation for us to end our time on campus that day.
Anne Elize met this guy named Niko earlier this week and invited him to our outreach concert. He came to the concert and to the BBQ and at the concert he got to talking with Brady and set up a time to meet on campus to play basketball. Two of the guys showed up on campus to play but Brady was sharing the gospel with a guy named Orlando, so Kyle started talking to Niko about different belief systems. Bently and I showed up and started asking him about what he believes, like what will happen to him when he dies. He was Catholic and didn’t think you could pray to Jesus. He said he hoped he would be able to go to Heaven but wasn’t sure he’d be able to. So I asked him why and he said because he didn’t think he was good enough to make it to heaven. We shared the gospel with him and showed him that the Bible teaches that it is only through grace not through good works that we’re saved. After about 45 minutes we asked him what he thought about what we said and he said it made sense to him. We asked him what he wanted to believe and he said he wanted to believe this new idea. So we asked him to explain it back to us so we could make sure he understood. He told us that he now believes that Jesus paid for all his sin and that it is only by faith that we can go to Heaven. He really understood the gospel message and the concept of grace so I asked him how this new belief made him feel because before he said he had felt worried. He said that now he had confidence that all his sins were paid for and that he could stand in front of God. He said he now feels free. So we challenged him to read the book of John over the weekend and he wants to get together next week to study the Bible more and talk about some issues that he is confused about. We’re really excited to talk with him more.
So that was a brief taste of our first full week in Italy. One soul has already come to know the Lord. That alone makes it all worthwhile. We hope to be able to report many similar testimonies of God's faithfulness in the days to come.
Things we've learned this week:
- Always go right first on a baci, or you might end up kissing a dude
- God is always faithful, even when we are discouraged
Stay tuned for more picture, insights, pirates, and whatever else we can think of. Remember us in your prayers, and pray foir the Italian college students, especially Niko, as he begins his life for Christ. We'll leave you with this passage of scripture.
"For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways," declares the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts. For as the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return there without watering the earth and making it bear and sprout, and furnishing seed to the sower and bread to the eater; So will My word be which goes forth from My mouth; It will not return to Me empty, without accomplishing what I desire, and without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it."
- Isaiah 55:8-11
In regards to the statement:
Jutty doesn't believe in interracial missions
This is completely not true. It was a unintentionally humorous verbal misstep brought on by 27 hours spent in on planes and in airports. Obviously Jutty as well as the rest of the group believe very strongly in sharing the gospel to people of all races. We apologize for any confusion.
Dude. Man. Man. Dude. It's been 10 days since we've been in Italy, and it has truly been an amazing 10 days. We've seen disaster happen when a baci gets out of control. We've scoured the city looking for the most audacious Italian mullet. We've had Gerry's gelato, truly a dessert inspired by God. But the best part of the trip so far has been the group finally beginning our ministry.
After days of praying and nervous anticipation, our group has finally finished our first week on campus. We've had the opportunity every day this week to walk around campus and just find someone to share the gospel with. The Lord is already moving in a powerful way in our hearts, as well as in the hearts of those we encounter. Here are just a few of the testimonies from some of the project members:
I met a girl who was sitting next to the boys while they were talking to a guy name Niko, so I started a conversation with her and shared the gospel through the bridge model. She agreed with most of it but said she wasn’t sure of her own salvation so that’s how we started talking about how all she had to do was believe. After I presented the gospel to her she said “It’s so simple” and I knew she had understood it. So I asked her if she would like to ask Jesus to be her savior and she said that she wasn’t ready to make the decision so I left her with a 4 Spiritual Laws booklet and told her to read over it and think about her decision. I know she understood it and that she’s close so now it’s all in God’s hands…
Today (Friday) Gabby, Abbey and I talked to these three girls and we could just tell the devil didn’t want us there. There were tons of distractions through our whole conversation. When we first started talking to them a sprinkler went off and made us move. We found out they were atheists and it was a real challenge to talk to them but every time one of us couldn’t think of what to say, someone else would so the three of us working as a team was really awesome.Yesterday (Thursday) we met this girl who, in the beginning of our conversation, believed that it was not possible to offend God. She hoped that God existed but found it hard to believe in an afterlife. But at the end of our hour and a half conversation she decided that there is a God, it is possible to offend him and that she had offended him. And she realized that she needs Jesus to save her from her sin. She accepted that fact and knows that she wants to go to heaven. She pointed out the pictures of a God-centered life in the 4 Laws booklet and said she wanted that. So that’s just really awesome how much God changed her mind changed throughout the conversation. You could just see in her eyes halfway through the conversation that she understood. It was amazing.
Mary Ellis and I got really discouraged and we ended up passing by Kyle and Brady who were talking to a big group of guys. They invited us over so we went to say hi and we saw a girl in the corner so we invited her to the BBQ and on a whim invited her to eat lunch with us and it ended up that her English was very good. We had a great conversation with her and she was really sweet. It was awesome because we didn’t think we would meet anyone else that day but God provided a great conversation for us to end our time on campus that day.
Anne Elize met this guy named Niko earlier this week and invited him to our outreach concert. He came to the concert and to the BBQ and at the concert he got to talking with Brady and set up a time to meet on campus to play basketball. Two of the guys showed up on campus to play but Brady was sharing the gospel with a guy named Orlando, so Kyle started talking to Niko about different belief systems. Bently and I showed up and started asking him about what he believes, like what will happen to him when he dies. He was Catholic and didn’t think you could pray to Jesus. He said he hoped he would be able to go to Heaven but wasn’t sure he’d be able to. So I asked him why and he said because he didn’t think he was good enough to make it to heaven. We shared the gospel with him and showed him that the Bible teaches that it is only through grace not through good works that we’re saved. After about 45 minutes we asked him what he thought about what we said and he said it made sense to him. We asked him what he wanted to believe and he said he wanted to believe this new idea. So we asked him to explain it back to us so we could make sure he understood. He told us that he now believes that Jesus paid for all his sin and that it is only by faith that we can go to Heaven. He really understood the gospel message and the concept of grace so I asked him how this new belief made him feel because before he said he had felt worried. He said that now he had confidence that all his sins were paid for and that he could stand in front of God. He said he now feels free. So we challenged him to read the book of John over the weekend and he wants to get together next week to study the Bible more and talk about some issues that he is confused about. We’re really excited to talk with him more.
So that was a brief taste of our first full week in Italy. One soul has already come to know the Lord. That alone makes it all worthwhile. We hope to be able to report many similar testimonies of God's faithfulness in the days to come.
Things we've learned this week:
- Always go right first on a baci, or you might end up kissing a dude
- God is always faithful, even when we are discouraged
Stay tuned for more picture, insights, pirates, and whatever else we can think of. Remember us in your prayers, and pray foir the Italian college students, especially Niko, as he begins his life for Christ. We'll leave you with this passage of scripture.
"For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways," declares the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts. For as the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return there without watering the earth and making it bear and sprout, and furnishing seed to the sower and bread to the eater; So will My word be which goes forth from My mouth; It will not return to Me empty, without accomplishing what I desire, and without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it."
- Isaiah 55:8-11
In regards to the statement:
Jutty doesn't believe in interracial missions
This is completely not true. It was a unintentionally humorous verbal misstep brought on by 27 hours spent in on planes and in airports. Obviously Jutty as well as the rest of the group believe very strongly in sharing the gospel to people of all races. We apologize for any confusion.
At 7:07 AM,
Anonymous said…
I am so encouraged by what ya'll are seeing God do there in Salerno. As I read the stories I got tears in my eyes just thinking about God bringing Italian students to himself. Way to contuinually be bold with the gospel. I will be praying for ya'll!
At 6:25 AM,
Anonymous said…
Nice colors. Keep up the good work. thnx!
At 9:19 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hallo I absolutely adore your site. You have beautiful graphics I have ever seen.
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